TMJ Syndrome Reviews on Buckwheat Hull Pillows
Read what our clients and health professionals are saying and how they found relief using our simple and natural buckwheat hull pillows:
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04/28/1999: Dr. G. B. Wexler, DDS, Diplomate, American Board of Orofacial Pain
"I have had the opportunity now to try your buckwheat hull pillow. I, personally, can recommend this pillow very highly. It has eliminated significant neck and shoulder pain for me. As you are aware I have used these pillows with my TMJ (Tempromandibular Dysfunction) and orofacial patients. Many of them have found significant relief from using buckwheat hull pillows especially when symptoms were related to dysfunction of the cervical region. These pillows have now provided me with an additional tool that I can use to assist in pain relief for my patients. I recommend them very highly."